Men Need to Cover Up Too! We can all use a little healing cover up!

Men Need to Cover Up Too!

Girls, ever given your guy a hickey? Guys, ever have acne you wish you could cover up?  Maybe a tattoo, scar we have you covered. Guys have acne, scars and hickies too! Don’t worry guys, G2 Organics has the perfect solution for you. 

The Hickey Stick isn’t just for women, it can be used by men as well. It’s packaged like a cigar so guys don’t have to feel feminine when buying and using it. Also, it’s small enough for guys to carry with them (since they obviously don’t use purses!) It’s a simple, easy-to-use cover-up that heals as it covers; the Hickey Stick has natural ingredients, like Vitamin E, to help heal what it is covering. It also contains ZINC which helps as a sunscreen.

“I had to go to court and hated to walk in with a sty on my eye. Not only did the Hickey Stick cover it, but it helped heal it too.”

The Hickey Stick is great at covering acne as well. It does double work as a spot treatment and as a spot

“The Hickey Stick can’t hurt, it can only help. Who wants to look at my pimple?”

No one likes having a pimple on their face, so why is it okay for only women to cover them up? Guys get acne too, and the Hickey Stick is here to cover it up.

Nobody’s perfect, so what do you have to cover? This is a perfect gift for your man! YES DAD"S will use, once they use it once they are hooked.

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