Parenting cell phones, tips and reminders!

Unknown-2images-16images-8Parents and cell phones! I hate to pass judgment, but here are some tips and reminders why we need to be mindful. Everyone is clearly overusing cell phones its not only kids that are over using parents are too. Remember kids model adult behavior, this is how they grow to be functioning adults. It makes me crazy when I see a child and adult dining and the parent is ignoring the child talking to a friends or texting. Children need interaction with parents they need to feel acknowledged and secure, which helps them in their social skills and future self-esteem it begins when a baby smiles, the parent smiles back and laughs, so does mom and dad this is called “mirroring.”

Parents over use of cell phones around kids, can cause emotional and physical dangers,  When a parent is ignoring there child and always on the phone I call it the“emotional freeze out”, the poor kids have to compete with a phone, this causes a lot of anxiety for kids and they are start seeking attention any way they can get it. Kids also misbehave when they know there parents are distracted.

I don’t want to shame parents but here are guidelines that we can all use, even when we are working and taking kids on a outing at the zoo.

1.   Do not use the phone at meal time, engage with your  family  Have a phone basket during dinner every ones phone goes in the basket until meal time is over

2.   When at events WATCH your children, be engaged in the event, put your phone on vibrate and tell your other family member friends what you are doing so they wont be calling or texting you at that time

3.   If you are mobile working, hold your Childs hand or have help watching them if you are returning messages

4.   If you have a call to answer keep it brief, and don’t get into long conversations 

5.   Speak softly, respect surroundings

6.   Remember you don’t have to be in constant contact

7.Send out a auto response that “I'm unavailable , if its a emergency call this number 

8.Dont be looking at your phone crossing street, driving, and at the movies with the bright light

 9. Show children by example, if I hear one more  stupid, waste of time conversation while standing on line, as the kids run around I'm going to say "excuse me, but…"  

10. I also think that parents need to help each other out, if you have a important call to make during a outing I know most moms would have no problem keeping a eye on your child for a few minutes.

11. If you need to check your phone, acknowledge the people you are with and say excuse me, I have to check my phone.

Respect people, respect the surroundings, respect your children and most conversations and texting are just a distraction from dealing with real life.
ENGAGE and stay in the moment.
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