Tag Archives: weight loss tips

Loose 7 lbs try my 7 Tips and NO exercise required!

Loose 7 lbs with my 7 Tips and NO exercise required!

                     Loose weight the easy way!! Just a few tips that I Know to be true and work!



I like to share, when I have a good thing. I do love to talk about diets, and look in peoples shopping carts, just to see, what what are they eating?? I've seen foods that are screaming, "IM PINK and Foamy, I'm loaded with chemicals" and people buy and feed to there kids. ‘Health and Wellness’ is becoming  a trillion-dollar global industry. ‘Obesity is expensive in terms of health-care costs,’ it said before adding, with a consultant chuckle, ‘dealing with it is also a big, fat market.’ Obviously, if animals are getting heavier along with us, it can’t just be that they’re eating more MUFFINS and Candy bars and driving to work most days. On the contrary, the trend suggests some widely shared cause, beyond the self control of individuals, which is contributing to obesity across many species.

1. DON'T fall for the label that says "HEALTHY" Use  your common sense, just because it's labeled "healthy" it still could contains  food coloring etc. AVOID heavely packaged food!

2. NO Soda, just water, ice tea, sparking water or Vodka or Wine ( all in moderation)

One recent model estimated is that eating a mere 30 calories a day more than you use is enough to lead to serious weight gain. Given what each person consumes in a day (1,500 to 2,000 calories in poorer nations; 2,500 to 4,000 in wealthy ones), 30 calories is a trivial amount: by my calculations, that’s just two or three peanut M&Ms, after my Halloween calculations as I licked the butter fingers. If eliminating that little from the daily diet were enough to prevent weight gain, then why are we getting fatter and fatter, everyone of every economic level is always talking weight gain or loss. Why is something so primal has become so out of wacky?

3.Get Sleep, you consume more calories when tired, people consume 300 more calories when over tired. (like me now!!)

4. Hang out with people who watch what they eat..bad habits do rub off.

 BUT I do believe stress  can makes you eat,‘empty calories’ ‘a calorie is a calorie is a calorie’ if you overeat it will add fat to your frame. The badness of a ‘bad’ food such as a processed potato chip is that it makes calorie intake easier than it would be with broccoli or an apple. I have just lost 7 lbs and did not hit the gym once. It was a experiment I wanted to try, and it worked. Let me share my tips and why they worked.

5.Turn the thermostat down, feel a little cooler you will burn more calories (just a couple degrees lower, and be conscience)

Yet a number of researchers have come to believe, the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, that ‘all calories are not equal’. The problem with diets that are heavy in meat, fat or sugar is not solely that they pack a lot of calories into food; it is that they alter the biochemistry of fat storage and fat expenditure, tilting the body’s system in favor of fat storage. example, that sugar, trans-fats and alcohol have all been linked to changes in ‘insulin signaling’, which affects how the body processes carbohydrates. You know how some people say. "I look at cheese cake and gain weight". I do believe that the way our body metabolizes is also a  direct link to weight gain. I also think that if your body has to many chemicals in it the elimination of fat is harder.

6. NO heavy creams or makeup, the less products used the better, reduces chemical build up, and easier elimination.

More importantly, ‘things that alter the body’s fat metabolism’ is a much wider category than food. Sleeplessness and stress, for instance, have been linked to disturbances in the effects of leptin, the hormone that tells the brain that the body has had enough to eat. Yes some people just never feel full. For example at "tailgate parties", when everyone just keeps eating and eating all day…I know its fun, but I often wonder if some people ever get that full feeling??

In my research. working with chemist and Doctor's when creating and producing cosmetics and beauty products for my business G2 Organics, (picture below in magazine) I concluded that industrial chemicals have all entered our bodies, for example wax and toxins from creams that are not eliminated. When I personally  did my complete organic, no chemicals, no processed food detox, the weight fell off. It was work, but I did feel great and loved when people said you look "too thin", I LOVED IT!!! Reality is that I could not keep up with just eating 100% clean, but the self education  still effect my food and product I use.


  For example, a study by the Environmental Working Group of the umbilical cords of 10 babies born in US hospitals in 2004 found 287 different industrial chemicals in their blood. Beatrice Golomb, professor of medicine at the University of California, San Diego, has proposed a long list of candidates — all chemicals that, she has written, disrupt the normal process of energy storage and use in cells. Her suspects include heavy metals in the food supply, chemicals in sunscreens, cleaning products, detergents, cosmetics and the fire retardants that infuse bedclothes and pajamas. I agree with this 100%.


Chemicals and metals might promote obesity in the short term by altering the way that energy is made and stored within cells, or by changing the signals in the fat-storage process so that the body makes more fat cells, or larger fat cells. They could also affect the hormones that spur or tamp down the appetite. In other words, chemicals ingested on Tuesday might promote more fat retention on Wednesday. 

Just to double down on the complexity of the question, a number of researchers also think that industrial compounds might be affecting these signals. For example, Bruce Blumberg, professor of developmental and cell biology at the University of California, Irvine, has found that pregnant mice exposed to organotins (tin-based chemical compounds that are used in a wide variety of industries) will have heavier offspring than mice in the same lab who were not so exposed. In other words, the chemicals might be changing the signal that the developing fetus uses to set its metabolism. More disturbingly, there is evidence that this ‘fetal programming’ could last more than one generation.A good predictor of your birth weight, for instance, is your mother’s weight at her birth

 There is a ‘thermoneutral zone’ in which a human body can maintain its normal internal temperature without expending energy. Outside this zone, when it’s hot enough to make you sweat or cold enough to make you shiver, the body has to expend energy to maintain homeostasis. Temperatures above and below the neutral zone have been shown to cause both humans and animals to burn fat, and hotter conditions also have an indirect effect: they make people eat less. A restaurant on a warm day whose air conditioning breaks down will see a sharp decline in sales (yes, someone did a study). Perhaps we are getting fatter in part because our heaters and air conditioners are keeping us in the thermoneutral zoneWe are increasingly understanding that attributing obesity to personal responsibility is very simplistic I believe we are surrounded by hidden forces that are contributing to the weight gain, by the choices we make.


The chemicals, the stress, the air conditioning, the elevators-instead-of-stairs, foods and beverages that are ‘metabolic disturbers’this is what's making us fat.

But that’s not the worst of it. The human body’s response to its nutrition can last a lifetime, and even be passed on to the next generation. If you or your parents – or their parents – were undernourished, you’re more likely to become obese in a food-rich environment. Obese people, when they have children, pass on changes in metabolism that can predispose the next generation to obesity as well. Like the children of underfed people, the children of the overfed have their metabolism set in ways that tend to promote obesity. This means that a past of under nutrition, combined with a present of over nutrition, is an obesity trap.  I think we all know this, news stories, magazines, books. But I do know just eat a few bites less everyday, and it will add up to lost lbs. Its all about being mindful and making just a few changes.

7. Eat a few bites less at every meal, leave a little food on the plate!! leave a spoonful less thats 30 calories each meal x 3 = 90 saved calories a day.smiley

Try these tips, won't hurt you in any way and do work!

Posted in My daughter's advice!! by Julia, organics, parenting, product reviews, products i, sex | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Loose 7 lbs try my 7 Tips and NO exercise required!

Loose 7 lbs with my 7 Tips and NO exercise required!

                     Loose weight the easy way!! Just a few tips that I Know to be true and work!



I like to share, when I have a good thing. I do love to talk about diets, and look in peoples shopping carts, just to see, what what are they eating?? I've seen foods that are screaming, "IM PINK and Foamy, I'm loaded with chemicals" and people buy and feed to there kids. ‘Health and Wellness’ is becoming  a trillion-dollar global industry. ‘Obesity is expensive in terms of health-care costs,’ it said before adding, with a consultant chuckle, ‘dealing with it is also a big, fat market.’ Obviously, if animals are getting heavier along with us, it can’t just be that they’re eating more MUFFINS and Candy bars and driving to work most days. On the contrary, the trend suggests some widely shared cause, beyond the self control of individuals, which is contributing to obesity across many species.

1. DON'T fall for the label that says "HEALTHY" Use  your common sense, just because it's labeled "healthy" it still could contains  food coloring etc. AVOID heavely packaged food!

2. NO Soda, just water, ice tea, sparking water or Vodka or Wine ( all in moderation)

One recent model estimated is that eating a mere 30 calories a day more than you use is enough to lead to serious weight gain. Given what each person consumes in a day (1,500 to 2,000 calories in poorer nations; 2,500 to 4,000 in wealthy ones), 30 calories is a trivial amount: by my calculations, that’s just two or three peanut M&Ms, after my Halloween calculations as I licked the butter fingers. If eliminating that little from the daily diet were enough to prevent weight gain, then why are we getting fatter and fatter, everyone of every economic level is always talking weight gain or loss. Why is something so primal has become so out of wacky?

3.Get Sleep, you consume more calories when tired, people consume 300 more calories when over tired. (like me now!!)

4. Hang out with people who watch what they eat..bad habits do rub off.

 BUT I do believe stress  can makes you eat,‘empty calories’ ‘a calorie is a calorie is a calorie’ if you overeat it will add fat to your frame. The badness of a ‘bad’ food such as a processed potato chip is that it makes calorie intake easier than it would be with broccoli or an apple. I have just lost 7 lbs and did not hit the gym once. It was a experiment I wanted to try, and it worked. Let me share my tips and why they worked.

5.Turn the thermostat down, feel a little cooler you will burn more calories (just a couple degrees lower, and be conscience)

Yet a number of researchers have come to believe, the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, that ‘all calories are not equal’. The problem with diets that are heavy in meat, fat or sugar is not solely that they pack a lot of calories into food; it is that they alter the biochemistry of fat storage and fat expenditure, tilting the body’s system in favor of fat storage. example, that sugar, trans-fats and alcohol have all been linked to changes in ‘insulin signaling’, which affects how the body processes carbohydrates. You know how some people say. "I look at cheese cake and gain weight". I do believe that the way our body metabolizes is also a  direct link to weight gain. I also think that if your body has to many chemicals in it the elimination of fat is harder.

6. NO heavy creams or makeup, the less products used the better, reduces chemical build up, and easier elimination.

More importantly, ‘things that alter the body’s fat metabolism’ is a much wider category than food. Sleeplessness and stress, for instance, have been linked to disturbances in the effects of leptin, the hormone that tells the brain that the body has had enough to eat. Yes some people just never feel full. For example at "tailgate parties", when everyone just keeps eating and eating all day…I know its fun, but I often wonder if some people ever get that full feeling??

In my research. working with chemist and Doctor's when creating and producing cosmetics and beauty products for my business G2 Organics, (picture below in magazine) I concluded that industrial chemicals have all entered our bodies, for example wax and toxins from creams that are not eliminated. When I personally  did my complete organic, no chemicals, no processed food detox, the weight fell off. It was work, but I did feel great and loved when people said you look "too thin", I LOVED IT!!! Reality is that I could not keep up with just eating 100% clean, but the self education  still effect my food and product I use.


  For example, a study by the Environmental Working Group of the umbilical cords of 10 babies born in US hospitals in 2004 found 287 different industrial chemicals in their blood. Beatrice Golomb, professor of medicine at the University of California, San Diego, has proposed a long list of candidates — all chemicals that, she has written, disrupt the normal process of energy storage and use in cells. Her suspects include heavy metals in the food supply, chemicals in sunscreens, cleaning products, detergents, cosmetics and the fire retardants that infuse bedclothes and pajamas. I agree with this 100%.


Chemicals and metals might promote obesity in the short term by altering the way that energy is made and stored within cells, or by changing the signals in the fat-storage process so that the body makes more fat cells, or larger fat cells. They could also affect the hormones that spur or tamp down the appetite. In other words, chemicals ingested on Tuesday might promote more fat retention on Wednesday. 

Just to double down on the complexity of the question, a number of researchers also think that industrial compounds might be affecting these signals. For example, Bruce Blumberg, professor of developmental and cell biology at the University of California, Irvine, has found that pregnant mice exposed to organotins (tin-based chemical compounds that are used in a wide variety of industries) will have heavier offspring than mice in the same lab who were not so exposed. In other words, the chemicals might be changing the signal that the developing fetus uses to set its metabolism. More disturbingly, there is evidence that this ‘fetal programming’ could last more than one generation.A good predictor of your birth weight, for instance, is your mother’s weight at her birth

 There is a ‘thermoneutral zone’ in which a human body can maintain its normal internal temperature without expending energy. Outside this zone, when it’s hot enough to make you sweat or cold enough to make you shiver, the body has to expend energy to maintain homeostasis. Temperatures above and below the neutral zone have been shown to cause both humans and animals to burn fat, and hotter conditions also have an indirect effect: they make people eat less. A restaurant on a warm day whose air conditioning breaks down will see a sharp decline in sales (yes, someone did a study). Perhaps we are getting fatter in part because our heaters and air conditioners are keeping us in the thermoneutral zoneWe are increasingly understanding that attributing obesity to personal responsibility is very simplistic I believe we are surrounded by hidden forces that are contributing to the weight gain, by the choices we make.


The chemicals, the stress, the air conditioning, the elevators-instead-of-stairs, foods and beverages that are ‘metabolic disturbers’this is what's making us fat.

But that’s not the worst of it. The human body’s response to its nutrition can last a lifetime, and even be passed on to the next generation. If you or your parents – or their parents – were undernourished, you’re more likely to become obese in a food-rich environment. Obese people, when they have children, pass on changes in metabolism that can predispose the next generation to obesity as well. Like the children of underfed people, the children of the overfed have their metabolism set in ways that tend to promote obesity. This means that a past of under nutrition, combined with a present of over nutrition, is an obesity trap.  I think we all know this, news stories, magazines, books. But I do know just eat a few bites less everyday, and it will add up to lost lbs. Its all about being mindful and making just a few changes.

7. Eat a few bites less at every meal, leave a little food on the plate!! leave a spoonful less thats 30 calories each meal x 3 = 90 saved calories a day.smiley

Try these tips, won't hurt you in any way and do work!


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